Chapter Five

Master Mind

last updated 2.28.25

The modern world we live in is very different from the world human beings lived in 100 years ago and even more different from the world we lived in 100 years before that. Relative to the age of the planet, or even to how long modern humans have existed, the last couple hundred years is a very short period of time, roughly two to three lifetimes. Not a long time, yet we have catapulted ourselves into a very different reality. This has occurred because we have relied on a our powerful minds to conquer the physical world that we live in and we have been very successful at this. We are still physical creatures so there remain limits on our ability to live in our physical environment even with all our innovations. We cannot walk around naked at the north pole and not freeze to death, but as far as basic human needs are concerned we have hit the ball out of the park. We have mastered our physical environment in so far as our lives are very comfortable, even luxurious for some, on the physical level.

The remaining challenge we face as a species is to master the part of ourselves that had mastered this physical world, our mind. The relationship between our minds and this world, which includes our own bodies, is a very unique one because our thoughts are not physical, yet they are still generated by our bodies. As completely dependent as we are on our minds to navigate through this world, most of us, including myself, don't know a lot about how this relationship works. We just know that we have thoughts, lots of thoughts, and we have learned to manage them in a functional way in order to live our lives as successfully as possible in the world we have created, but this is not where the challenge ends.

Just like there is a relationship between our minds and our physical bodies, there is a relationship between this world and the Earth. The thoughts constantly speeding through our minds are still being fueled by our bodies and, in the same way, the world we live in, as much as we have mastered, it is still being fuel by our Earth. Would you destroy your body to live in your mind? No, because your mind cannot exist without your body. Sadly, there are extreme medical cases when a person's body can continue living even though their mind is no longer functional. The same is true regarding our planet. It can easily exist without us, but we cannot exist without it. However, if we do not learn to master our minds, we will not exist on it very much longer compared to how long we existed before our minds learned to master the physical world. Our last challenge as a species is to master our powerful minds. All the problems of the world are mental. They only manifest themselves physically. We are the source of all humanity's problems and we can be the solution if we succeed at this last challenge. Saving the world, which includes saving ourselves, is truly an inside job. It starts with our minds.

Luckily, we have one special ally in this challenge, something that is even more powerful than our minds, our hearts.