| The formula for life is energy + work = life. It's that simple. This formula has existed since life has existed. The word "energy" represents a resource of some kind. The word "work" represents this resource being converted into action. Work is the act of using energy to create, or sustain, life. Energy + work = life. All life requires work. Anyone telling you different is selling you something, i.e. trying to get out of doing work. Apply this simple formula to our world and you'll see where most of our problems lie. In the natural world, it's much easier to see this formula in action the way it was intended. A seed lies in the dirt, rain falls on the seed, sun shines on the seed then a plant grows. The dirt, the rain and the sunlight are the resources. The seed does the work. It's pretty amazing. How does it know? It has natural programming within it. A beaver chews down trees and drags them across a stream piling them up along with mud and rocks to build a dam. This dam creates a pond in which the beaver builds its lodge safe from predators and surrounded by aquatic vegetation that the beaver eats. The bark of the trees and the vegetation in the pond are resources, i.e. food, that the beaver uses to fuel itself. Beavers do serious work. Bees work. Ants work. All living things work. They all have their own natural programming within them which they obey. Their obedience is less of a thought and more of an expression of their existence. They live to play their role in Mother Nature's beautiful design. They are compelled to do this. It's quite a system. If an animal does not do the work necessary to sustain its life, it dies. This is natural law. Then there's the man-made world which is an artificial one. I should call it the human-made world to be politically correct or even the mind-made world since the world in which we live is a product of our minds and all the technology we have created with them. In this artificial world, the basic formula for life gets thrown out the window. The formula in this world, especially in our country, unfortunately, has become "do the least amount of work for the most amount of money." However, money is not a resource. Even though from childhood, we have been trained to see it as one, the most important one, it is not a resource because unlike true resources it has no value of its own. A system built on a valueless idea will fail. This is inevitable because the system is unsound. It never ceases to amaze me how people are surprised by the worsening state of the world when the most valuable thing in this world has no value. What do they expect? If actual values aren't required to accumulate the most valuable thing in a culture, that culture is destined to collapse. Without true value, a resource cannot play its natural role in the formula for life. An artificial idea serves only those who invented it, and control it. Remove the other component in the formula for life, work, and it's no longer a formula at all. It's just a bunch of ideas strung together for a self-serving purpose for those promoting these ideas with no connection to the truth. The major difference between the formula for life and an artificial system is their purpose. One is self-sustaining and creates life for those who work by obeying natural law while the other is designed to eliminate work for some by exploiting the work of others. For those trying to avoid work, the artificial system is like a game that they are playing while telling anyone willing to believe them that the game is actually life. Life is not a game. It's a beautiful balance between resources and work. How this balance came into existence is an amazing phenomenon that we get to participate in. The formula for life is built upon true values and can only be maintained by those who are willing to live according to them. Anything else and we're just living on borrowed time. The mind-made game only works on those who don't know the truth, or have forgotten it. What is the point in playing a game by someone else's rules especially if those rules are constantly being changed to favor those who make them? In the natural world, life relies on natural programming. In the artificial world, the system relies on mental programming. Unfortunately, those who have lost their natural connection to life and the ability to think for themselves are easily programmed because they are no longer grounded by true values. How they think is controled by those who maintain this artificial system. However, these are delicate matters and there is another side to this. It is easy for a person to feel pressured to choose a side, but choosing sides is not the objective. Life is the objective. Life is a balance of giving and taking. Without giving, i.e. working, there can be no taking. Anyone who's had to teach, coach, manage or even govern a large group of people has learned that it can be like herding cats. Freedom is a natural, God given right, but with freedom comes responsibility. This is where natural law plays its role. The beaver, the bee and the seed all obey their purpose and if they cease to work they will no longer exist. Plain and simple. If people want to claim their right to freedom or any other rights they believe they deserve, they have to be willing to work for them and obey the formula for life like every other living creature on the planet which teaches, manages and governs itself. If some people are not willing to teach, manage and govern themselves by natural law, they cannot complain about being exploited or told what to do by those they've appointed, or allowed, to govern them because they have forfeited this right possibly in the hopes of getting out of doing actual work. This is the game that they are all playing while those honoring their right to freedom continue to work for it. We will soon reach a threshold when those doing all the work will say "Enough!" and those not willing to work, rich and poor, will be held accountable. Natural law is irrefutable. The tide will eventually roll in and level everything out. It is impossible to cheat life, but a person can cheat the system and they can cheat other people. The formula for life can only be postponed temporarily. The playing field will always be leveled so those refusing to obey natural law may try to enjoy the party for as long as they can, consume as much as they can or distract themselves with anything they can all the while knowing deep down inside what is coming. Those who do real work will be strong enough to weather the tide (they might even grab a surfboard and enjoy the ride). The lazy, rich or poor, who refuse to work will have to face the truth when it arrives. The good news is that those who are willing to work eventually realize how much they love it. I love it. Work is my favorite thing about life. Unfortunately, especially in this country, it's developed a bad name. I didn't enjoy work, at first, either. It took me a while to arrive at this realization because I was born in the system just like everyone else and mentally programmed not to like work, but work is physical and it's completely natural and healthy. It's an expression of energy. It's a celebration of life. Sex is work, playing sports is work, dancing is work, everything that requires you to get off your ass and use energy is work. It's the mental motivation behind the activity that determines whether it is enjoyable or not. Once we forget the mental programming the artificial world has drilled into us by those trying to control it and remember our natural purpose, the enjoyment of work becomes second nature -first nature, actually, and nothing else compares to this way of living. It gives us strong muscles and a fit body. It keeps us mentally healthy as well and, possibly greatest of all, it connects us to this amazing phenomenon and living ecosystem called planet Earth that we get to be a part of. One of the greatest highs a person can experience is the rush they feel as this life giving energy flows through them. Someone who's never worked a real day in their life will never understand what this feels like. Any negative association with work that exists in a person's mind was created by those who don't like work, but what they really don't like is themselves. Work requires a person to be present and those who hate it will never want to be present if they don't like who they are. Therefore rather than face themselves, they try to make you work for them. Work isn't the problem. Fear of being present and facing oneself is. Live your life in fear and you'll be ripe for mental programming. Face your fears and you'll be as free as a bird. Birds do work.